[INFOGRAPHIC] The History of Metals

Man’s existence on Earth has largely been an exercise in learning how to control our environment. Whether it’s cultivating food through agriculture, learning to erect shelters or sharpening spears for hunting, in the end it’s all a matter of how well we can tame nature and shape it to our will.
To aid us in our quest to triumph over the elements have been tools of all shapes, colors, sizes and purposes. Tools are made for a great many things, but the best are made from metals. One of the first major leaps forward for humanity was the discovery of bronze, a sturdier alloy that made hunting and farming alike more efficient.
The path that we’ve taken to get from hunter-gatherers to the masters of modern innovation that we are today has been a long one and metals have played a pivotal role along the way. In this infographic developed by Makin Metal Powders Ltd., that path is outlined in a unique way.