
Peru is the largest gold producing country in South America. In the last decade the country’s mining sector has increased by 400 percent due to large scale gold mining and has become a significant creator of employment within the country. A 2012 World Gold Council report found that between 2000 and 2010 large scale gold mining contributed an average six percent to Peru’s GDP. The country’s relationship with gold is so influential that 14 percent of Peru’s government revenue is provided by gold.
The Yanacocha gold mine in northern Peru is considered to be the second largest gold mine in the world, producing more than $7 billion worth of gold to date.
Gold production – 185.0 tonnes annually Population – 30.0 million
Gold consumption –N/A Gross National Income – $306.9 billion
Unmined gold – 2,200.0 tonnes annually Serious conflicts reports – No serious conflicts reported
Gold production as percentage of GNI – 3.32 percent