Glencore’s Raglan Mine: an overview of our nickel mining and nickel production in Quebec, Canada
Raglan nickel mine is located Nunavik in the far north of Quebec, Canada, near the 62nd parallel. Our remote location provides us with unique challenges, not only logistical but for our people and our local communities.
Raglan Mine‘s location makes it subject to harsh Arctic winter and permafrost, while its huge size means it has its own road network and airstrip – Raglan airport – which it shares with local communities.
Nickel and copper ore is processed on site, along with cobalt and precious metals like gold, silver and platinum. Our nickel production process has four stages: grinding; flotation – which helps separate the valuable minerals from waste rock; dewatering and filtration; and finally, a drying process that removes most of the water from the ore concentrate. We truck this concentrate to our storage and shipping facilities at Deception Bay.
Nickel mining companies have shown an interest in the region since the 1930s, with serious exploration taking place in the 1950s, but it was not until the 1990s that nickel mines were economically feasible here.
In 1995, the historic Raglan Agreement was signed, redefining what social responsibility might mean for mining companies: it includes provisions for local purchasing and employment as well as the environmental impact of nickel mining.