Turner Mining: Employee wellbeing is key to business success

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Keaton Turner, Founder and President of Turner Mining advocates for his team and prioritises safety in all aspects of operations to achieve growth

In 2017, along came an organisation that commits to providing a trusted service and a positive attitude towards the transformation of the mining industry with a purpose of driving prosperity among its site owners. Understanding the impacts of mining is one thing, but shaping them is another—Turner Mining Group is here to support partnering organisations to do just that. 

The company came from humble beginnings as a small startup mining subcontractor to now employing more than 500 employees to deliver operational excellence to partners in the US. From copper, platinum and palladium to cement, sand and gravel, Turner Mining is holistically capable of delivering the goods that its clients need through contract mining services. 

Cue Keaton Turner, Founder and President of Turner Mining; the man behind the business and an experienced professional in excavation. Being the entrepreneurial man that he is, Turner combines his passion for the industry that he was brought up in, but recognises the need for change as the playing field evolves. This means leveraging smarter solutions to get employees up to efficient speed in a safe way—safety and speed being the key areas that allow mining organisations success in the current landscape.

Read the full story HERE.


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