Focus on: Dysprosium, a Critical Rare Earth Mineral

Dysprosium is used in permanent magnets - essential components in wind turbines.
Here we explore the mining, production and geopolitical complexities of dysprosium, a vital element in modern technology and green energy solutions

What is dysprosium?

Dysprosium, a silvery-white metal that belongs to the lanthanide series of rare earth elements (14 metallic chemical elements with the atomic numbers 57–70). Named after the Greek word "dysprositos", meaning 'hard to get', dysprosium lives up to its moniker in the mining industry.

Dysprosium's unique properties make it indispensable in various high-tech applications, but its scarcity and challenging extraction process pose significant hurdles for the global supply chain.

How is dysprosium mined?

Dysprosium is not found in its pure form in nature but occurs in various rare earth-bearing minerals such as monazite and xenotime. The mining process typically involves open-pit extraction, followed by complex and often environmentally challenging separation techniques. The extraction of dysprosium is a multi-stage process that requires significant energy input and produces substantial amounts of waste.

The process begins with the mining of rare earth-bearing ores, which are then crushed and ground. The resulting material undergoes flotation to concentrate the rare earth minerals. Subsequently, chemical processes, including acid leaching and solvent extraction, help separate dysprosium from other rare earth elements.

Top dysprosium-producing countries

China dominates the global dysprosium market, accounting for approximately 98% of the world's production. This near-monopoly has raised concerns about supply security among other nations. China's stranglehold on dysprosium production has prompted other countries to explore and develop their own resources, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Australia has emerged as a significant player in recent years, with projects like the Browns Range mine in Western Australia. Other countries with notable dysprosium resources include Brazil, India, and the US, though their production levels remain relatively low compared to China.

Industrial applications of dysprosium

Dysprosium's unique magnetic properties and high melting point make it crucial in various high-tech and green energy applications. The demand for dysprosium has skyrocketed with the global push towards clean energy and advanced technologies.

One of the most significant uses of dysprosium is in permanent magnets, particularly neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnets. These magnets are essential components in wind turbines, electric vehicle batteries and computer hard drives. Dysprosium enhances the magnets' performance at high temperatures, making them more efficient and durable.

The element also finds applications in nuclear reactors, where it is used in control rods, due to its ability to absorb neutrons. Dysprosium is also used in laser materials, lighting technologies and certain specialised alloys.

The dysprosium supply chain

The journey of dysprosium from mine to market involves multiple stages and stakeholders across different continents.

The supply chain typically begins with mining operations, predominantly in China, followed by processing and separation of rare earth elements. The refined dysprosium is then incorporated into various intermediate products, such as alloys and magnets, often in different countries. These components are subsequently integrated into final products like electric vehicles, wind turbines, or electronic devices, which are then distributed globally.

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Geopolitical complexities and evolving landscape

The geopolitical landscape surrounding dysprosium is fraught with tensions and uncertainties. China's dominance in production has led to concerns about potential supply disruptions and price volatility. The concentration of dysprosium production in one country poses significant risks to global industries reliant on this critical element.

In response to these concerns, several countries and companies are actively seeking to diversify the dysprosium supply chain. Efforts include developing new mining projects outside China, investing in recycling technologies, and researching potential substitutes for dysprosium in certain applications.

The US, in particular, has taken steps to reduce its reliance on Chinese rare earths. The reopening of the Mountain Pass mine in California and increased government support for rare earth research and development are part of this strategic shift. Similarly, the European Union has launched initiatives to secure its rare earth supply, including dysprosium, as part of its critical raw materials strategy.

As the world transitions towards cleaner energy and more advanced technologies, the demand for dysprosium is expected to grow significantly. This increasing demand, coupled with geopolitical tensions and environmental concerns, is likely to reshape the dysprosium landscape in the coming years.

Mining experts are generally agreed that the future of dysprosium will be shaped by a delicate balance between technological innovation, geopolitical manoeuvring, and environmental stewardship. 


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