Why Sustainable Rare Earth Elements Mining is the Future

Aclara Resources CEO Ramon Barua
Aclara Resources CEO Ramon Barua shares insight on the pressing sustainability challenges facing the rare earth mining industry

What is sustainable mining’s role in clean energy?

In the battle against climate change, clean technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy systems are often viewed as the key to a greener future. 

These innovations are essential for reducing carbon emissions and advancing toward a more sustainable energy landscape. However, in order to scale up these technologies, we face the challenge of extracting new resources like lithium and rare earth elements, which are vital for their production. 

As demand for these minerals increases, so too does the need for environmentally responsible mining methods. The industry is responding with innovative approaches to mitigate the effects of mineral extraction, balancing the need for resources with the imperative to protect the environment. Sustainable mining is no longer a distant goal; it is quickly becoming the next frontier in mineral extraction, especially for rare earths.

How is Aclara contributing to sustainable mining?

Aclara Resources serves as a key example of how companies are adopting sustainable mining practices. We have developed and

patented a process called Circular Mineral Harvesting, which recycles 95% of the water used during heavy rare earths extraction and 99% of the reagent needed for separating rare earth elements from ionic clays. 

Additionally, the technology avoids the need for explosives, significantly reducing air and noise pollution, while eliminating the energy-intensive steps of crushing and milling. These innovations set new standards for reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional mining operations.

What are the Circular Mineral Harvesting benefits?

One of the key breakthroughs of this process is the absence of liquid residues, which further minimises energy consumption and avoids the need for a tailings dam—all while preserving local ecosystems. 

These practices represent a shift in how the industry operates, moving toward methods that both meet global demand and protect the planet. Furthermore, Aclara is committed to the full reforestation of impacted areas, proving that it is possible to mine critical resources while ensuring that the land involved is fully restored.

How can sustainable mining be developed?

Global initiatives like the World Bank’s Climate-Smart Mining initiative help developing countries manage their mineral resources while minimising environmental impact. 

The initiative focuses on reducing the mining industry’s carbon footprint and supporting local economies. Without these forward-thinking practices, the mining sector risks exacerbating environmental and social

challenges, particularly in resource-rich developing nations. Aclara’s integration of circular economy principles into mining operations aligns with these goals, demonstrating that resource extraction and environmental responsibility are not only possible but essential for the future of mining.

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What role does the UN Global Compact play here?

The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, encouraging companies to adopt responsible business practices. By becoming a signatory, Aclara signals its commitment to sustainability and transparent business practices. 

This commitment includes regular reporting on sustainability initiatives, ensuring that companies are held accountable for their environmental and social impact. 

As demand for rare earth elements grows, the pressure on the mining industry to adopt sustainable practices will only increase. The Global Compact provides a framework for companies to integrate sustainability into every aspect of their operations.

The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative

How does rare earth element extraction fit into a sustainable world?

As the world continues to embrace clean technologies, the demand for rare earth elements is set to rise exponentially. These critical minerals are essential for producing wind turbines, EV motors, and other technologies vital for a low-carbon future. 

However, the extraction of these materials must evolve to meet both environmental and economic challenges. Companies like Aclara are leading this transformation by aligning with global initiatives and adopting cleaner, more efficient technologies that reduce the impact of extraction on the environment. 

The shift toward sustainable practices ensures that the growing demand for rare earth elements can be met without compromising ecological integrity or the well-being of local communities.


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