AusIMM announces partnership with Victorian Government to attract more women to the mining industry

The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) has announced a new partnership with the Victorian Government to ensure the mining industry can attract the best professional talent to the Victorian sector and retain it.
The partnership will also aim to help women make an increased contribution to the industry with an emphasis on getting more women at senior levels, particularly those with STEM skills. It includes scholarships for boosting the number of women on resources industry boards.
Through positive collaboration with Government, AusIMM will work to investigate key levers of government, industry and academia that can cooperate to entice a new generation of students in to the stable and prosperous Victorian resources sector.
AusIMM CEO Stephen Durkin said that as the peak body for resources professionals, AusIMM was best placed to work with government on strategies for the sector in to the future.
“The mining and mining equipment technology services sectors employ approximately 121,000 Victorians currently and provides a strong contribution to the economy of the State,” explained Durkin.
“We need to ensure these professionals are supported throughout their careers and that the sector’s future workforce pipeline is planned, encouraged and built on with the relevant skills of the future in mind.”
“Collaboration between industry and government through AusIMM is essential for this process and AusIMM looks forward to delivering comprehensive initiatives with the Victorian Government as the trusted voice for resources professionals”.
The partnership was launched at AusIMM’s International Womens Day Luncheon Series, a new national initiative which places diversity and inclusion as a key priority of AusIMM each year.
Related stories:
International Women in Mining launches inclusion campaign, #MiningTogether
AusIMM reveals results of Professional Workforce Survey 2018
International Women in Mining: Inclusivity in mining
Read the February issue of Mining Global here
News of the partnership comes in a week where a national women in mining survey conducted by AusIMM has showcased the challenging experiences of women employed in the modern resources industry.
In response to these challenges AusIMM Women in Mining Network Victoria (WIMnet Vic) has announced its 2019 mentoring program.
The program is designed to support Victorian women and will provide mentees with a low-cost yet semi-structured opportunity to connect with senior members of the industry. The program will include a mid-year leadership seminar that will provide professional and personal development support.